
14 November 2007
Lords of the Land - The War Over Israel's Settlements in the Occupied Territories, 1967-2007.
Akiva Eldar and Idith Zertal. Nation Books, New York, 2007.

In my previous article I entered into a direct discussion on...
23 October 2007
I saw Michael Clayton last night. The issue of accountability, or the lack thereof, threads its way throughout the movie. Simply put, no one is willing to take responsibility for anything. And, depressingly true to life, there seems to be...
08 October 2007
The State of the American Empire:
How the USA Shapes the World. 
Stephen Burman. 
University of California Press, Myriad Editions. 2007.

On first perusal my perceptions told me this was my kind of book: ...
05 October 2007
The American Empire and the Commonwealth of God – A Political, Economic, Religious Statement. John Cobb, Richard Falk, David Griffin and Catherine Keller. Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, Kentucky, 2006.

28 September 2007
Killer of Sheep, a remarkable social document about urban working-class African- Americans in the Watts district of Los Angeles, is now playing at the Wexner Center through tonight and Saturday at 7 p.m.

Director Charles...
11 September 2007
When comedian Lewis Black said sardonically that he knew we shouldn’t go to Iraq, and he was just sitting on his couch, he also echoed how numerous Americans felt about the stolen presidential election of 2004.  On November 3, of that same...


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