
22 July 2008
Descent Into Chaos – The United States and the Failure of Nation Building in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia. Ahmed Rashid. Viking (Penguin) New York, 2008.

The popular news reporting from Pakistan is limited...
14 July 2008
Count my vote – a citizen's guide to voting by Steven Rosenfeld

Forewarned is Forearmed

AlterNet has been around for the last ten years, bringing its millions of monthly readers the latest in award-winning,...
08 June 2008
To the credit of producers Guy Jacobson and Adi Ezroni, “Holly” is not “Pretty Baby.” Although it’s a movie about child prostitution, there’s no nudity, sex, or violence or Hollywood glitz. The gritty and realistic feel of the movie and...
14 May 2008
I’m not sure I can remember exactly where I first met Ann Feeney. Suffix it to be that Annie is the epitome of Preacher Casey in Steinbach’s great novel, “Salt of the Earth.” I know I saw her at Ravenswood, at Camp Solidarity in western...
14 April 2008
The Three Trillion Dollar War – The True Costs of the Iraq Conflict.
Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes.
W.W. Norton & Company, N.Y. 2008.

Following on their previous pronouncement that war costs could amount...
25 March 2008
The new imperialists – Ideologies of Empire
Ed. Colin Mooers.
Oneworld Publications, Oxford, England. 2006.

The new imperialism is part a recognition that, yes, the United States is an imperial power as accepted...


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