
03 November 2009
The thrift in me allowed me to wait until Michael Moore’s “Capitalism - A Love Story” came out on second run theatres - it was well worth the wait. The powerful effect that Moore has on his audience derives from the personal stories he...
03 November 2009
NEW YORK (with Gary Baumgarten and Abbie Wasserman) – Music history has been made with two uniquely powerful nights of performances at Madison Square Garden in celebration of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame---and the educational...
17 September 2009
On Friday September 4, I went to an album release party for the Artist named “Fly Boy” at Expressions. I didn’t know what to expect from him but he brought a powerful performance. Being that Fly Boy was a Christian Rapper, he chose to...
30 August 2009
The Columbus Free Press sponsored an August 25, screening of the documentary “A Powerful Noise” at the Drexel Theater in Bexley. The movie focused on three women who aided the people of their countries, especially assisting women who are...
30 August 2009
A night full of history, knowledge and a whole lot of fun. That is how you can describe the August Second Saturday Salon organized by Free Press Managing Editor Suzanne Patzer and her husband Bob Fitrakis, who is Executive Director. The...
26 August 2009
The Samaritan’s Dilemma: Should Government Help Your Neighbor?
by Deborah Stone
Nation Books, 2008
292 pages
Notes & Appendix

In her 1993 speech on health care, Hillary Clinton argued that America...


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