
23 December 2003
House bill 272 has passed in the house and the Senate will be taking action on the companion bill, SB62 in the near future. Passage of this bill by the Ohio house brought Ohio one-step closer to being the most intolerant state in the union...
23 December 2003
At a time of public concern about shootings on I-270 south of Columbus, it is ironic that the Ohio General Assembly may override Governor Taft's promised veto of legislation legalizing the carrying of concealed weapons.

17 December 2003
On December 3rd, President Bush signed the Healthy Forests Initiative into law, even though it fails to ensure protection from forest fires for at-risk communities, weakens environmental protections, and undermines public participation in...
11 December 2003
The Ohio House of Representatives is considering legislation, House Bill 218, that would transfer thousands of acres along our coast to private landowners.

For those of us who enjoy Ohio's outdoors, this could severely...
09 December 2003
Phone Your Representative to Co-sponsor H. Con. Res. 327 to End Rights Violations in Aceh

The Indonesian Government has extended martial law in Aceh for another six months.  As the civilian death toll mounts, governments of...
02 December 2003
The term GM foods or GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) is used to refer to crop plants created for human or animal consumption that have been modified in the laboratory to enhance desired traits such as increased resistance to...


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