
16 October 2003
George Shrub (Dave Lippman, comedian, satirist, singer) has been traveling throughout his globalized domain, sharing his Point of View (the Right One) so that people won't need their own....
15 October 2003
The recent Israeli military incursions into the Rafah refugee camp have left 1,240 Palestinians homeless. According to UNRWA, this brings the total number of Palestinians who have been made homeless in Rafah since the beginning of the...
25 September 2003
The Bush administration is continuing to work with polluters on one of the broadest efforts to weaken our clean air protections in the history of the Clean Air Act. We expect that Congress will be making a number of crucial decisions on...
16 September 2003
A beautiful ravine is endangered that is currently protected by zoning laws. A local builder wants to build on the land, but the zoning board has the final say. Let them know what you think and find out more information at:...
14 September 2003
Senate debate on the 2004 foreign aid bill could take place within the next week.  Included in the bill is $500 million in aid - largely military and police aid - to Colombia.  However, the Senate appears set to approve the Colombia aid...
08 September 2003
Just a week ago, Americans enjoyed a long weekend, in honor of Labor Day.  Now, as the busy season ramps up for most of us, President Bush is threatening the very concept of the weekend.  

That's right -- he's gutting the...


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