09 March 2004
Late Wednesday, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Don Nickles (R-OK) put forward a budget resolution that, if enacted, would cut Medicaid by at least $11 billion over five years.  

If enacted, this will result in an increase...
03 March 2004
As you may know, FirstEnergy's Davis-Besse nuclear power plant in Oak Harbor, Ohio has been shutdown for over two years because a football-sized hole was discovered by workers during routine maintenance.  The Nuclear Regulatory Commission...
22 February 2004
A leaked letter from the Bush Administration to state governors reveals a sneaky attempt now underway to get governors to 'voluntarily' commit their states to comply with draconian constraints on domestic procurement (purchasing) policy...
21 February 2004
It is very important that people write to the Vieques Political Prisoners:

Ernesto de Jesus Giushard

Heriberto Hernandez Carmona

Jose Perez Gonzalez
12 February 2004
 The Serving Earth group is arranging for the MoveOn.org video entitled "Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War" to be shown at as many local libraries as possible. They need volunteers from central Ohio communities to contact...
11 February 2004
Today is the public launch of our "Censure" campaign. We're taking out a full-page ad in the Washington Post. We're also holding a press conference in Washington, including two former top intelligence officers from the CIA and the State...


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