Staughton Lynd s an American conscientious objector, Quaker, peace activist and civil rights activist, tax resister, historian, professor, author and lawyer. His involvement in social justice causes has brought him into contact with some of the nation's most influential activists, including Howard Zinn, Tom Hayden and Daniel Berrigan. Lynd's contribution to the cause of social justice and the peace movement is chronicled in Carl Mirra's biography, "The Admirable Radical: Staughton Lynd and Cold War Dissent, 1945-1970," published in 2010 by Kent State University Press. He currently lives in Youngstown, Ohio.

Articles by Author

A crudely hand lettered sign on what looks like a sheet saying The state is not negotiating
11 April 2018

History books often contain a chapter that tries to answer the question: What caused such-and-such a revolt or revolution?
For example: What caused...

28 December 2012
Note: This is Essay 7 in the series I have been writing on “Re-Examining Lucasville.” Two persons, one an experienced journalist and the other a prisoner at...
08 November 2012
Summary So Far
So far, I have been discussing the Lucasville uprising as a whole. I’ve asked: Why should we doubt the accuracy of the trial...
08 November 2012
Let’s try to visualize the most unfair criminal trial we can imagine. Let’s make a list of elements that might be part of such an unjust proceeding. The...
18 October 2012
Representation on behalf of the five Lucasville defendants condemned to death has been frustrated by the prosecution’s unwillingness to turn over to lawyers...
01 September 2012
A Tragedy?
When people use the word “tragedy,” they ordinarily mean something completely bad and sad, like the mass killings in the movie theater in...
