Ward 8             121
Ward 2             111
Ward 4              76
Ward 6              62
Ward 17             39
Ward 13             32
Subtotal           441
Toledo             810
Suburbs            120
Total              930

Note that of 930 challenged voters, 810 (87.1%) were in Toledo. 441 (47.4%) were in six wards. 370 (39.8%) were in four wards. 232 (24.9%) were in two wards.

In the 2004 presidential election, there were 215,720 votes counted for president in Lucas County. Of these, 133,977 (62.11%) were in Toledo, where Kerry got 91,066 votes (67.98%), and Bush got 41,472 votes (30.95%). Elsewhere in Lucas County, Bush got 43,664 votes (53.42%), and Kerry got 37,355 votes (45.70%).

Here are the tallies for the wards listed above. For all 24 wards in Toledo click:


Ward        Votes    Bush   Kerry
Ward 2       3552     535    2971
Ward 4       5150     585    4506
Ward 6       6597    1165    5376
Ward 8       4867     330    4480
Ward 13      4730     453    4253
Ward 17      3947     911    2977

In two sentences:

87% of the challenged voters were in a city with only 62% of the voters, where Kerry got 68% of the vote.

40% of the challenged voters were in four wards with only 7.8% of the voters, where Kerry got 86% of the vote.