Imagine a country where during a major national election the voting machines counted backwards, counted more votes than people who showed up to vote, switched the votes so that they "hopped" from one candidate to the opponent, had no paper trail verification by design, and the voting machines were allowed to be either altered or kept from inspection after the election. Imagine if the people responsible for all this just refused to show up at a proper judicially noticed court proceeding to discuss any facts of this. Imagine if everyone in power were in on the game- or at least the majority of those in power- so no real investigations with any kind of force of subpoena power would ever take place. No one would ever know. Imagine it. Then get yourself a cup of coffee and wake up, because that is exactly what happened in the US Presidential election of 2004.
In three days George Bush and Richard Cheney, will be sworn in- baring Act of God- as President and the Vice President of the United States- again. Don't you believe it.
There is absolutely nothing in the integrity of the electoral process in the US that makes their less than 200,000 vote differential in Ohio, the state with 20 Electoral College votes that lynched it for them a real number. It is a completely fictitious number. The "recount" which was little more than a statistical sampling of three percent (3%) of precincts that were previously designated and subject to the voting machine company replacing machine parts boldly in front of election workers before the count, belies the word "recount." It was a shimmy on the sham.
George Bush and Richard Cheney are not attorneys. They don't respect or respond to law. They reinvent it. They don't like it- they ignore it. They don't respect it or attorneys. When they need to tell the country why they are ignoring law- they get their lackey
House Chief lawyer to concoct some theory about why the laws are "quaint" and why we need to rise above them. They don't want to show up for a deposition, they don't. They think their holy mission trumps the Geneva Convention definition of torture; they invent another one. This follows one line of a distorted perversion of Christianity beckoning that the things of the "Spirit" trump and rise above the "law." Bush at any rate pretends to be a Christian. It, in fact, mocks Jesus' words that "I come not to destroy the law but to fulfill it." Yet, those on Holy self anointed Mission to "democratize" the Middle East - e.g. create the illusion of democracy there by sham elections to create illusions of legitimacy about power there in our favor- deem themselves wholly above both law and truth here.
They have made a holy crusade out of bashing lawyers and their contempt for the legal profession is not disguised. It is part of their campaign rallying cry. The other guys are two slick lawyers, and we are good American common folk.
Every American should be so disturbed they choke on their Budweiser and pretzels. We are witnessing something so perverse, and such a threat to Western Civilization, that any thinking person should be sleepless.
We have an administration taking power that has a holy mission to slaughter anyone in the way to allegedly bring elections to the Middle East. They are not too concerned about the legitimacy of elections, just having them. Who cares if half of Iraq is in such revolt that our guys are coming home blind and without legs. So long as we can force the creation of the illusion of democracy in our favor, it apparently seems worth it to them in spite of the fact that any election in Iraq now could only be a sham.
They have had Elections in Egypt for decades- Mubarak wins every time. They had elections in Iraq while Saddam was in power. In fact, he was popularly elected by at least part of the population. When Elections have no procedural integrity they serve not the Will of the People, which is held contemptuously for the most part by the ruling elite, they serve the purpose of conning the country into believing the legitimacy of the election so that they can take power where it was not given to them. This is equally true in a Middle Eastern totalitarianism regime as it is in America.
Don't be fooled. When they spend more than forty million dollars to throw themselves a party in the Capitol while neglecting to pay for body and vehicle armor while sending twenty year olds into explosions, don't be fooled about their "values." You have two choices; you can let them get away with it or you can insist that they don't- now or at any time in the future. You can suck it up, hide and buckle under the "get over it" abuse and drivel out pathetic erroneous speculation on why they might have won when they didn't, or you can fight, now or at any time in the future. You can pretend that the demise of the rule of Law is acceptable and watch it devolve into the demise of western civilization, or you can insist that all law abiding nations hold accountable the Stolen Election in this country just as the international community held accountable the Ukraine. You can pretend that we can accept the theft of the Presidency while we throw petty shoplifters in jail, or you can demand that there be accountability at every level of government to make sure that it is the engine keeping this Republic-now, or at any time in the future.
This is a call to every citizen to not stop asking questions and demanding answers. This is a call to everyone to refuse to be hoodwinked or blindsided by the illusion of democracy until you self-determine nothing of any substance and watch everything you hold dear in our country be sold off to do the favors of those ruling elite who bought and stole this election. You can be an American, or you can be an Egyptian. You can believe that the rule of law protects us all, or you can give a pass to those who abuse it in the name of their self-anointed slaughterhouse mission. You can be a servant of one who came to "fulfill the law," not violate, abuse, ignore and redefine morality into their own image. You can worship the idolatry of Republican patriotism with all its murderously inept misguided foreign policy, or you can believe in Truth.
Yes, indeed, this election was about "Choices" and they are not over.
In three days George Bush and Richard Cheney, will be sworn in- baring Act of God- as President and the Vice President of the United States- again. Don't you believe it.
There is absolutely nothing in the integrity of the electoral process in the US that makes their less than 200,000 vote differential in Ohio, the state with 20 Electoral College votes that lynched it for them a real number. It is a completely fictitious number. The "recount" which was little more than a statistical sampling of three percent (3%) of precincts that were previously designated and subject to the voting machine company replacing machine parts boldly in front of election workers before the count, belies the word "recount." It was a shimmy on the sham.
George Bush and Richard Cheney are not attorneys. They don't respect or respond to law. They reinvent it. They don't like it- they ignore it. They don't respect it or attorneys. When they need to tell the country why they are ignoring law- they get their lackey
House Chief lawyer to concoct some theory about why the laws are "quaint" and why we need to rise above them. They don't want to show up for a deposition, they don't. They think their holy mission trumps the Geneva Convention definition of torture; they invent another one. This follows one line of a distorted perversion of Christianity beckoning that the things of the "Spirit" trump and rise above the "law." Bush at any rate pretends to be a Christian. It, in fact, mocks Jesus' words that "I come not to destroy the law but to fulfill it." Yet, those on Holy self anointed Mission to "democratize" the Middle East - e.g. create the illusion of democracy there by sham elections to create illusions of legitimacy about power there in our favor- deem themselves wholly above both law and truth here.
They have made a holy crusade out of bashing lawyers and their contempt for the legal profession is not disguised. It is part of their campaign rallying cry. The other guys are two slick lawyers, and we are good American common folk.
Every American should be so disturbed they choke on their Budweiser and pretzels. We are witnessing something so perverse, and such a threat to Western Civilization, that any thinking person should be sleepless.
We have an administration taking power that has a holy mission to slaughter anyone in the way to allegedly bring elections to the Middle East. They are not too concerned about the legitimacy of elections, just having them. Who cares if half of Iraq is in such revolt that our guys are coming home blind and without legs. So long as we can force the creation of the illusion of democracy in our favor, it apparently seems worth it to them in spite of the fact that any election in Iraq now could only be a sham.
They have had Elections in Egypt for decades- Mubarak wins every time. They had elections in Iraq while Saddam was in power. In fact, he was popularly elected by at least part of the population. When Elections have no procedural integrity they serve not the Will of the People, which is held contemptuously for the most part by the ruling elite, they serve the purpose of conning the country into believing the legitimacy of the election so that they can take power where it was not given to them. This is equally true in a Middle Eastern totalitarianism regime as it is in America.
Don't be fooled. When they spend more than forty million dollars to throw themselves a party in the Capitol while neglecting to pay for body and vehicle armor while sending twenty year olds into explosions, don't be fooled about their "values." You have two choices; you can let them get away with it or you can insist that they don't- now or at any time in the future. You can suck it up, hide and buckle under the "get over it" abuse and drivel out pathetic erroneous speculation on why they might have won when they didn't, or you can fight, now or at any time in the future. You can pretend that the demise of the rule of Law is acceptable and watch it devolve into the demise of western civilization, or you can insist that all law abiding nations hold accountable the Stolen Election in this country just as the international community held accountable the Ukraine. You can pretend that we can accept the theft of the Presidency while we throw petty shoplifters in jail, or you can demand that there be accountability at every level of government to make sure that it is the engine keeping this Republic-now, or at any time in the future.
This is a call to every citizen to not stop asking questions and demanding answers. This is a call to everyone to refuse to be hoodwinked or blindsided by the illusion of democracy until you self-determine nothing of any substance and watch everything you hold dear in our country be sold off to do the favors of those ruling elite who bought and stole this election. You can be an American, or you can be an Egyptian. You can believe that the rule of law protects us all, or you can give a pass to those who abuse it in the name of their self-anointed slaughterhouse mission. You can be a servant of one who came to "fulfill the law," not violate, abuse, ignore and redefine morality into their own image. You can worship the idolatry of Republican patriotism with all its murderously inept misguided foreign policy, or you can believe in Truth.
Yes, indeed, this election was about "Choices" and they are not over.