Ehud Barak drags Dalal al-Mughrabi's dead body, 11 March 1978 / Photo credit Palestine Media Watch

Many leading Israeli politicians and prime ministers have been convicted of corruption-related crimes, massacres, assassination, war crimes, crime against humanity, and genocide and Ehud Barak is no exception. Barak is a former Israeli general and politician who served as the tenth prime minister from 1999 to 2001. This man is a dirty rat! Here are my reasons:

* Performed atrocities on Dalal al-Mughrabi's body

 After killing Palestinian freedom fighters Dalal al-Mughrabi on March 11, 1978, the Israeli commander Ehud Barak (later became PM of Israel) dragged her, unclothed her in front of the cameras, fondled her breasts, stuck the bayonet of his rifle into her body and performed other atrocities on intimate parts of her body.

On this day 47 years ago, Dalal al-Mughrabi fell with eight other fighters during an operation she led on the highway between Haifa and Tel Aviv. The operation aimed at taking control of hostages and demanding the release of a number of Palestinian detainees held in Israeli prisons. Al-Mughrabi was dubbed “the Bride of Jaffa.”

Dalal's group hijacked a bus on the Coastal Highway of Israel and raised the Palestinian flag on the bus for several hours declaring 95 kilometers of highway as a "free Palestine" zone. PM Menachem Begin's office then refused to negotiate with the group and ordered soldiers from preventing them from reaching Tel Aviv.

The office of PM Menachem Begin was informed of the bus that had reached the area of Sidna Ali [Hertzlia] and he assigned a special army unit commanded by Ehud Barak with [the task of] attacking the bus with machine-guns and shells, while using aircrafts and tanks, and killing everyone who was on it. Dalal and 8 other fighters fell in the line of duty. Two of the fighters were captured and were initially sentenced to death, then the sentence was reduced 12 life sentences + 10 years. However, they were later released in 1985 in a POW exchange between Israel and the PFLP- GC. Meanwhile, Israel declared, 39 Israeli were killed in the clashes and more than 100 were wounded.

According to Institute for Palestine Studies, Dalal al-Mughrabi was born on 29 December 1959 in Sabra refugee camp near Beirut to a Palestinian father and a Lebanese mother. Dalal became a legend after she led a group of 12 fighters in one of the most talked about attacks against Israeli forces decades ago. Her mission was to take hostages and demand the release of Palestinian freedom fighters held in Israeli prisons.

She inspired thousands of young Palestinian and Lebanese women to follow in her footsteps, such as Sana Muhaidaly, Yvonne Abboud, Wafa Edris, Ayat Al Akhras, and Hanadi Jaradat among others. In March 2022, the PA officially renamed March "the month of leader Dalal al-Mughrabi" in honor of her heroic act and sacrifice.

According to her mother, who was speaking to an Arabic TV channel, “Dalal will never be forgotten as she will remain an admirable symbol of the Palestinian women’s struggle and an example to be emulated by young Palestinian men and women who will pursue the armed struggle until the liberation of Palestine.”

* Led assassination operation against 3 PLO leaders in Beirut.

In April 1973, in one of the IDF's daring operations, a young Ehud Barak dressed himself as a woman, entered Beirut with a group of soldiers from the elite Sayeret Matkal unit and assassinated several key players from the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Among those killed in what is called "Operation Fountain of Youth" were PLO leaders, Muhammad Youssef al-Najjar (Abu Youssef), Arafat's deputy Kamal Adwan, and Kamal Nasser, Fatah's official spokesman. 

The raid began on the night of April 9 when Israeli Navy ships brought the combat soldiers to the coast just off of Beirut where commando boats were waiting them and ferried them to the shore. When they reached the shore, the soldiers, disguised as civilians, entered vehicles driven by Mossad agents who then took them to their different targets.

While off the coast of Beirut, Barak changed clothes, disguising himself as a brunette while his deputy Muki Betser dressed as a blonde woman. Once on land, Barak led his troops into the buildings where their targets were located.  Al-Najjar’s wife was killed during the attack as well as two Lebanese Policemen.

* Led assassination operation against 3 PLO leaders in Beirut.

In April 1973, in one of the IDF's daring operations, a young Ehud Barak dressed himself as a woman, entered Beirut with a group of soldiers from the elite Sayeret Matkal unit and assassinated several key players from the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Among those killed in what is called "Operation Fountain of Youth" were PLO leaders, Muhammad Youssef al-Najjar (Abu Youssef), Arafat's deputy Kamal Adwan, and Kamal Nasser, Fatah's official spokesman. 

The raid began on the night of April 9 when Israeli Navy ships brought the combat soldiers to the coast just off of Beirut where commando boats were waiting them and ferried them to the shore. When they reached the shore, the soldiers, disguised as civilians, entered vehicles driven by Mossad agents who then took them to their different targets.

While off the coast of Beirut, Barak changed clothes, disguising himself as a brunette while his deputy Muki Betser dressed as a blonde woman. Once on land, Barak led his troops into the buildings where their targets were located.  Al-Najjar’s wife was killed during the attack as well as two Lebanese Policemen.

* Woman says Epstein forced her to have sex with former PM Barak

Ehud Barak met with Jeffrey Epstein dozens of times and flew on a private plane according to report by the Times of Israel.

Former Prime Minister visited disgraced financier and child abuser about 30 times in 2013-2017, including a 2014 private flight in Florida. I'm sure they were not there discussing the Middle East conflict at the islands where Epstein kept young girls to service important men. 

According to the Times of Israel, Virginia Roberts Giuffrea said Jeffery Epstein forced her to have sex with former PM Barak.

Claims revealed in court filings from celebrity US lawyer Alan Dershowitz, who was accused of having a sex with a minor, and later claims that girls gave him a massage with his underwear on.

Barak has ties to Epstein that goes over 15 years, and he was Epstein's most prominent client. The Times of Israel reported on July 2019 that Barak issued an ultimatum to the British Daily Mail tabloid to remove an article insinuating that the former prime minister had been present at one of Jeffrey Epstein’s homes when he was having women over.

An article that appeared in the newspaper showed pictures of Barak with his face almost entirely covered by a neck warmer as he entered one of Epstein’s Manhattan homes around the same time a number of young women were also seen entering the mansion.

Later Barak has admitted to visiting Epstein’s mansions and private Caribbean Island but insists he never attended parties of a sexual nature there.

* What Happened at Camp David in 2000?

In July 2000, at the invitation of President Bill Clinton, Israeli and Palestinian leaders met at Camp David to negotiate final status issues for a hoped-for final peace agreement between the parties. The summit took place nearly seven years after the signing of the first of the Oslo Accords, which were supposed to lead to a final deal.

 PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat went to Camp David reluctantly. Arafat believed a leadership summit to be premature and mistrusted Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, who had failed to implement previously signed agreements and instead greatly expanded illegal Jewish-only settlements on occupied Palestinian land, particularly in East Jerusalem. 

However, Arafat was convinced to go by President Clinton, who assured him that the Palestinians would not be blamed if the meeting were to end without an agreement, promising that there would be "no finger-pointing."

In secret talks preceding Camp David, Palestinian negotiators offered far-ranging concessions beyond the international consensus of what the outlines of a peace agreement should look like.  

In contrast to the story of the "generous offer" allegedly made by Barak, the Israelis in reality never actually made a formal offer to the Palestinians at Camp David and submitted no written proposals. The only proposals offered by the Israelis were made orally, mostly through US officials, and lacked detail. 

The Israelis and Americans pressured Arafat to accept these vague proposals as "bases for negotiations" before moving on to other more serious negotiations. These oral proposals, which Barak was careful to make conditional on Palestinian concessions:

A- On the future of refugees expelled from their homes during Israel's establishment in 1948, the Israelis said the solution to their plight should be found "elsewhere" than Israel.

B- On the future of occupied East Jerusalem, Palestine would have sovereignty over the Muslim and Christian quarters of the Old City, but only a loosely defined "permanent custodianship" over the Noble Sanctuary Mosque complex, the third holiest site in Islam.

Illegal Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem were not up for negotiation.

C- Israel would retain control over Palestinian points of entries, waterways, and airspace. Palestine would be "demilitarized" with only a police force for internal security.

D- Under the Israeli proposals, Palestinian areas in the West Bank would have been fragmented into four units, separated from each other and the outside world by Israeli settlements and their connecting roads, jeopardizing the contiguity and viability of any prospective Palestinian state.

E- A veteran State Department official who participated in peace negotiations under several US administrations, Aaron David Miller, would later write that American official acted as "Israel's lawyer" rather than as an even-handed peacemaker.

F- In the end, the Camp David summit ended without an agreement after which President Clinton praised Prime Minister Barak's "courage" and, contrary to his earlier promise, blamed the failure of the summit on Arafat and the Palestinians. Source: Institue for Middle East Understanding (IMEU).

That being said, I can best describe Ehud Barak by two words: He is a dirty rat!

Mahmoud El-Yousseph is a Palestinian freelancer for and He can be reached at