Connections are set to release their second album “Body Language” on storied Columbus imprint Anyway Records. The formality of writing about Connections calls to mind that band members Kevin Elliott and Andy Hampel were in 84 Nash. Kevin’s brother Adam is in Times New Viking. Dave Capaldi was in El Jesus De Magico. Philip Kim is the slightly younger member who connects them to a different generation of Columbus indie rock people.
Because of the band's line-ups legacy in Ohio music, the second formality is to mention they are influenced by Guided By Voices (GVB). As I sat listening to garage pop tales of ordinary Ohioans on “Aimless,” “Jeni & Johnny,” and “Girl’s Night Out.” It dawned on me three members grew up in Congressional District 8 (John Boehner’s district) before moving to Columbus.
Because of Boehner's part in causing our current government shutdown, I facebooked Kevin Elliott, and here is where this review turns into an an interview:
WF: Hey, Kevin. Reviewing the record. I know the album isn’t political but just remembered you grew up in John Boehner’s district. What’s your take on Boehner.
K.E: As for Boehner, for as long as I can remember he's been a representative for our district, and for as long as I can remember it was the custom to say "boner" every time you saw a placard for Boehner on the side of the road, even if you were oblivious to his platform. I have no doubt the guy has a heart and perhaps even had good intentions when he went into politics. But his career path has been nothing but glad-handing to conservative stiffs that live and work in our district. There is not much besides God and farms and football and white people in the Miami Valley -- with that mix, he assuredly ran unopposed in more than a few election cycles. Now that he has power, there's nothing he wouldn't do to keep himself in place. That's the typical ascension on both sides I'm sure. Harry Reid is really no different. I wouldn't say John Boehner is an evil man, but he's certainly lost his heart and has no concern for his district or the common man in general. I, myself, side with the Dems and liberal values, but I'm in no way impressed with either side right now. It's all a sham.
Connections -- and our two lps -- are certainly not political. But if we want to analyze the inspiration for the songs, it comes wholly from growing up in a region of Ohio that gave zero cultural or artistic options to it's youth. And I suppose that is a direct result of having guys like Boner in power. Our songs come from the experiences we had in small-town Ohio finding our own fun, making music, experimenting with drugs and drinking, driving around rural roads, and carving out a subculture to call our own in a place void of progress.
Connections’ Body Language release party is Tonight (Thurs Oct. 10) at Ace of Cups (2619 N. High Street). Psychedelic Horseshit, Sega Genocide and WV White will also perform.
The release of the new New City Gypsy EP “Lunar Tides” doubles as a farewell as band members Austin and Johnny are moving to the Arizona desert. “Lunar Tides” starts with pleasant indie rocks guitars and melody on “33 Steps” that leads to talk of taking life in in a combative manner. Track 2 “South Hillside” begins with an open drum and wailing vocals about murder on the side of the road. This is a knife-wielding rock stomper. The ep then leads into “Juarez”(Blood Tide’s Wake) which sorta sounds like if you stripped down Motorhead’s music to more straightforward rock and added Jim Morrison vocals. “Lunar Tides” ends with “I Killed A Wolf” which intros somewhere between Aerosmith’s “Dream On” and a Metallica bridge before dealing with going straight classic rock with prog underpinnings while tales of dealing with the grim reaper moan.
A release party for “Lunar Tides” will be held Friday(Oct. 11th), at King Avenue 5 (945 King Avenue).Mount Carmel, Raw Milk and Jonathan Lee Ryan will also perform.