Nissim “Nusko” HizkiyahuIsareli, born 1961 עברית:  ניסים חזקיהו ("נוסקו")ישראלי, נולד ב-1961, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

This is very important and no country can claim these are "disputed
territories" or that there is a "conflict" any more. In a stunning and
highly researched opinion, the International Court of Justice (highest
global legal authority) concluded that all activities carried out by Israel
(the occupying power) in the occupied areas (Golan, Gaza, West Bank
including Jerusalem) are illegal  (violate international law) and must be
dismantled and reparations made. Illegal activities include Jewish
settlements building, home demolitions, walls, economic deprivation, ethnic
cleansing etc.  The court ruled per international law that the decades long
occupation must end and that Palestinian must have self-determination
Yet, the Apartheid Knesset (parliament of the "Jewish state") voted a few
days ago to preclude any possibility of a "Palestinian state" in Palestine.

Something I wrote at the end of one of the many wars on the people of Gaza
in the past explaining that there are no winners in wars now.

July in history

U.S. complicity in the Gaza genocide is deep and continuing.

The number of deaths resulting from Israel’s attack on Gaza is far higher
than usually estimated: in excess of 185,000

Arrest war criminal Netanyahy

The Prime Minister of Israel having said he will turn Gaza into ruins and
fulfilled his promise is going to Washington DC (another Zionist
occupied/colonized territory). Benjamin Mileikowsky (aka Netanyahu) was
born to Benzion Mileikowsky (later changed names to Netanyahu), a polish
immigrant. His Americanized father became secretary to terrorist leader
Vladimir Yevgenyevich Zhabotinsky (aka Zeev Jabotinsky) founder of
"revisionist" Zionism and supported groups like Irgun terrorist
organization during the mandate in Palestine. His son continues to idolize
these early Jewish terrorists. Both Benjamin and his brother served in
units of the Israeli forces responsible for assassinations on foreign lands
(in violations of international law) and committed war crimes. Benjamin
Miliekowsky (Netanyahu) is known both among Israelis and globally as a
consummate liar who refused to accept the Oslo accords (even though they
were partial to Israel) and has gotten rich off of his political
activities. Here is a video of him thinking the camera was off explaining
his true contributions during his first stint as Israeli prime minister in
the 1990s. ; see also this
This is after all the same terrorist who gave a speech to dozens of Likud
Party members in Eilat in which he admitted this is his strategy. According
to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz (15 July 2001): " his audience a
bit of advice on how to deal with foreign interviewers (Netanyahu
said):'Always, irrespective of whether you're right or not, you must always
present your side as right.' In 2011, the French president, Nicolas
Sarkozy, described Netanyahu as a liar in a private exchange with US
President Barack Obama at the G20 summit (it was inadvertently broadcast to
journalists). "I cannot stand him. He's a liar," Sarkozy told Obama. The US
president Obama responded by saying: "You're fed up with him? I have to
deal with him every day."
Other Zionist leaders have even more interesting backgrounds. See

And politicians lie (even the non-genocidal variety)

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
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