Our gathering begins with former Google executive AHMED MUSTAFA and a deep dive into the politics of the world’s leading search engine.
With power and clarity, Ahmed, among other things, issues a stark warning on the challenges being posed to our future by Artificial Intelligence.
JOHN STEINER asks for specifics on Ahmed’s campaign for Congress now navigating the primaries in Silicon Valley.
TIM JUDSON of the Nuclear Information & Resource Service updates us on the horrendous Senate decision to remove Commissioner Jeff Baran from the Nuclear Regulator Commission, proving beyond any lingering doubt that any member of the NRC who values public safety over private profit will not remain.
MYLA RESON updates us on our YouTube presence and asks for your thumbs up!
MIKE HERSH then introduces us to “local hero” KEN BAWERS, who gives us a very impressive deep dive into the demanding world of Stormwater Control and his battles with the $25 billion Riverine Restoration industry.
RON LEONARD raises an interesting challenge to Ken’s presentation as we further hear from DIANE CAMERON in praise of Ken’s work.
We finish with WENDI LEDERMAN and her horrifying account of life in Florida after DeSantis’s presidential bust, extending to his assemblage of an armed “militia” that essentially translates into a private army financed at taxpayer expense.
HANIEH JODAT tells us about supporting a number of progressive candidates in upcoming races.
As Wendi further describes the private DeSantis army, we sign off on another great gathering, and invite you to the next one, which will convene on Monday, February 5, and be rebroadcast soon thereafter at PRN.
Thank you for listening. No Nuke, and we’ll see you soon in Solartopia.