We begin GREEP zoom #183 with HEDY TRIPP and her announcement of the public showing of the new documentary film “Detroit’s Olympic Uprising.” 

The great ANDREA MILLER from the Center for Common Ground then takes us through a devastating exposition of the US Supreme Court’s decision to restore an absolute monarchy to the North American continent.

Her “Protecting Democracy from the Court” lays out in terrifying detail the Supremes’ attack on democracy.  Their decisions range from dismissing charges against January 6 insurrectionists to establishing the divine right of a sitting president—-and maybe even an ex-president—-to break any laws they want.

MYLA RESON asks about the Biden Plan for reorganizing the Supreme Court.  

ERIC LAZARUS proposes a civil assembly to substitute for the Court as is done in Ireland.

GREGG GORDON says “we’re the King” and points out that the Court’s decision now applies to President Biden, giving him absolute power….for the time being.

LYNN FEINERMAN tells us of GREG PALAST’S cinematic warning, in the movie “Vigilantes”,  against vote challenging, which allows a single individual to disqualify thousands of registered voters without due process.  

Georgia’s RAY MCCLENDON confirms our worst nightmare about mass disqualifications in the Peach State among others.  An Executive Order from the President would have no impact against this because of state’s rights.  Ray urges us to focus on local election boards to counter this assault on democracy.

WENDI LEDERMAN, MIKE HERSH, PAUL NEWMAN, STEVE KAISER and DENNIS BERNSTEIN chime in on various aspects of this deep attack on our democracy.

We then welcome the legendary DONALD WHITEHEAD of the National Coalition for the Homeless.  Dr. Whitehead takes us deep into the horrifying plague of homelessness that now so deeply taints the American soul.

LORI GRACE then begins digging into the Project 2025 documents and provisos that might include a treason trial for Liz Cheney complete with execution of, at least, the death penalty.  In the eyes of Christian Nationalists, she said, “God has ordained Trump.”

TATANKA BRICCA brings us consideration of the Housing First organization that is successful 90% of the time for people who are unhoused.

SANDY BOLZENIUS tells us of Move to Amend which works against the Citizens United decision that has opened the floodgates for corporations to take over our government and extinguish our democracy.

DR. NANCY NIPARKO reminds us tat a major part of the homeless crisis has to do with overpricing on rents, bad zoning regulations and more.

Tatanka reminds us of the horrendous crisis we face with LEONARD PELTIER, who faces a de facto death penalty unless he is soon freed.

STEVE CARUSO has engineered another phenomenal gathering.  We’ll see you next week!!!