10 October 2006
I currently am a Democrat that is unhappy with the lack of leadership in my party, a party that can not admit it was robbed of the 2004 election, a federal crime of enormous proportions.  I also currently am the campaign manager for my...
31 August 2006
COLUMBUS, OHIO -- We Believe was troubled to learn that a group is being formed known as "Clergy for Blackwell" - troubled but not surprised. Spokesclergy for the group noted repeatedly that they are speaking "as persons, as individuals...
16 August 2006
Tim Kettler, Green Party candidate for Secretary of State today submitted a complaint with both the Coshocton County Sheriff's department and the Coshocton County Prosecutor alleging misconduct during the 2004 Presidential Vote Recount....
10 July 2006
Join the movement for free and fair elections in Ohio! Stop Secretary of State Ken Blackwell from supervising his own election. We know what happened when he worked as the co-chair for Bush and Cheney in 2004. Lines at the polls in the...
09 July 2006
After spending 5 weeks in jail, Carol Fisher was released from jail this afternoon.  Carol is an activist with "The World Can't Wait- Drive Out the Bush Regime" in Cleveland OH.  Her arrest, trial, and conviction began when she put up a...
04 July 2006


THURSDAY, JULY 6TH 6:00PM (Introduction, Screening, with Q&A)
FRIDAY, JULY 7TH 9:00PM (Screening)...


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