18 March 2007
Ed Guide Training Set for March

We are looking for dedicated volunteers for Education Guides to lead a small groups of children on adventures around our farm and nature preserve on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday...
18 March 2007
An easy way to help the Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio is to use GoodSearch as your search engine. No cost to you and benefit to NAICCO.

Go to http://www.goodsearch.com/...
17 March 2007
Lobby your Ohio legislators on March 22, The Ohio Patient Action Network (OPAN) Ohio Patient Network - an MPP grantee - will hold a lobby day to generate support for medical marijuana legislation...
15 March 2007
The Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee [AFSC], a Quaker social action organization, calls on the Ohio House of Representatives to take up the recently-passed state Senate resolution welcoming Iraqi refugees to Ohio. This is...
10 March 2007
About 22 of some of Central Ohio's best election activists showed up Tuesday night, March 6, at the Free Press offices to hear Nancy Tobi of "Democracy for New Hampshire"? speak about how she has managed to develop positive relationships...
07 March 2007
COLUMBUS -- The only thing Ohioans can expect to resolve on the Ohio Senate floor Tuesday, is that a majority of Ohio legislators are likely to choose political one-upmanship over an opportunity to send a message about the true toll of the...


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