
10 March 2007
I'm glad Ann Coulter used the word ''faggot'' the other day. It's about time we talk about this word and the power it holds over us, both young and old.

Despite Coulter's assertion that it ''has nothing to do with gays,''...
10 March 2007
I've spoken at impeachment forums, debates, rallies, strategy meetings, and workshops, but tonight's event in Washington, D.C., will be the first I've spoken at since the Vice President's Chief of Staff was convicted for lying to protect...
10 March 2007
If the Republicans in the House vote against the Supplemental spending bill to throw another roughly $100 billion at this war because the bill requires that troops be trained and rested, provides for veterans health care, gives money to...
10 March 2007
The reason I sent the media a video of House Appropriations Chair David Obey (Dem., Wisc.) throwing a bit of a fit was not just to...
09 March 2007
BBC Television had exposed 2004 voter attack scheme by appointee Griffin, a Rove aide. Black soldiers and the homeless targeted.

There's only one thing worse than sacking an honest prosecutor. That's replacing an honest...
09 March 2007
Even by the rushed standards of these presidential jaunts, Bush's current outing to Latin America is a pell-mell affair. First it was Brazil, still smarting from De Gaulle's crack on the way back out to the airport, that "this is not a...


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