
02 March 2007
One of the first big show trials here in the post-9/11 homeland was of a Muslim professor from Florida, now 49, Sami al-Arian. Pro-Israel hawks had resented this computer professor at the University of South Florida long before Atta and...
01 March 2007
Wow, the weapons heavies had to cut and run. A sense of enlightened self-interest - the same stuff that legendary community organizer Saul Alinsky was preaching in Chicago's Back-of-the-Yards neighborhood six decades ago - enabled a bunch...
28 February 2007
Vermont, like too many other places with nuke reactors, was recently disgraced by an industry-sponsored visit from Patrick Moore, who claims to be a "founder" of Greenpeace, and who is out selling nuclear power as a "green" technology....
27 February 2007
On the occasion of Karl Rove coming to speak at the Texas State University campus on Tuesday, Feb. 27, the citizens of Travis, Blanco and Hays County are planning a peaceful protest in his "honor" in front of the Evans Liberal Arts Bldg....
27 February 2007
On February 11th, the corporate media woke up to the fact that many Democrats have a big problem with Senator Clinton. That was the day after some New Hampshire Democrats criticized her continued denial of her worst failure as a US senator...
27 February 2007
written by Victoria Parks & Paddy Shaffer, Free Press guest contributors

The Squire v. Geer case is more than just a mere election challenge lawsuit; the reliability of electronic voting was on trial last week in a small courtroom...


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