
30 September 2007

Gosh, I always have so much to say and there's never really enough time or space to say it all in.  I don't want to clog your boxes with mail.  Mine is certainly full, but I enjoy staying abreast of all the news and...
29 September 2007
There are now two types of Democratic presidential candidates, the ones who promise to end the occupation of Iraq, and the ones who say they may very well keep it going for another four years.

MSNBC hosted another Democratic...
27 September 2007
Letters received yesterday by The Cornucopia Institute, Organic Consumers Association, and the Center for Food Safety from Aurora Organic Dairy, based in Boulder, Colorado, threatened the three public interest groups with a lawsuit if they...
27 September 2007
The New York Daily News, with its long tradition of lurid and stupid headlines, outdid itself in its special welcome for Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week, warning him: “If you even think of setting foot near Ground Zero, you...
26 September 2007
Jeremy Scahill, author of a terrific book on the Blackwater mercenary army, spoke in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Tuesday to a packed hall.  He took questions at the end, and one man asked something to the effect of "Why does the...
24 September 2007
Washington – Free speech took a beating with another round of arrests September 18 in the nation’s capital.  It was administered by the police at a rally sponsored by the most unlikely-sounding group to be involved in such a thing:...


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