
07 November 2007
This past Friday night and Saturday, Ann Wright and I spoke at four events in the Los Angeles area on the topics of peace and impeachment. I flew home, but Ann intended to keep going at the same pace for another week or more without...
05 November 2007
When someone whose opinions I respect as much as John Nichols' joins those who have been saying since 2003 that Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich should announce that he's not REALLY running for president, I feel...
05 November 2007
As a member of Congress, I have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution and the laws of our nation, and I have pledged to represent the views of my constituents and of all Americans.

That’s why I feel both duty and sorrow...
31 October 2007
What color is your disaster?  It makes a difference.  A life and death difference.


    Population of San Diego fire evacuation zone:  500,000
    Population of the New Orleans flood evacuation zone...
31 October 2007
The Blackwater scandal has gotten plenty of media coverage, and it deserves a lot more. Taxpayer subsidies for private mercenaries are antithetical to democracy, and Blackwater’s actions in Iraq have often been murderous. But the scandal...
30 October 2007
“America touts itself as the land of the free, but the number one freedom that you and I have is the freedom to enter into a subservient role in the workplace. Once you exercise this freedom you’ve lost all control over what you do, what...


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