
20 July 2002
We've arrived at the 30-year milestone of Watergate, though calling it an anniversary is a bit too celebratory for me. Watergate started as a bungled break-in but became a symbol of abuse of presidential powers: break-ins, wiretapping...
20 July 2002
Authorities tell us that the world changed on September 11. As a result, university professors must watch what they say in class or be turned in to the "speech" police. Elected officials must censor themselves or be censured by the...
20 July 2002
Even while the U.S. Congress votes to give its power over to the President to regulate international trade and commerce (via the "Fast Track" vote), citizens across the nation and the world are building the broad-based agenda by which...
20 July 2002
Animosity between India and Pakistan is spread over the past half a century, more or less equal to the total life of both South Asian nuclear neighbors. During this time, both the countries fought two full-scale wars (1965 and 1971)...
20 July 2002
When Gary Webb was coming up, news reporting was a noble virtue. There was a lot to get excited about-black power, queer and women's rights, state marijuana decriminalization measures, and most importantly, a war that nobody...
20 July 2002

In 2001 over 12,000 Central Ohio residents signed a petition saying they wanted a vote at the ballot box in the City of Columbus on a moratorium to stop new City sewer and water service into the Big Darby...


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