
27 August 2002
George W. Bush, fresh off a brush-clearing operation at his Crawford, Texas, ranch, snubbed the Earth Summit in Johannesburg, Africa, for a trip to Oregon, where he vowed to fight future forest fires by taking a chainsaw to the nation's...
14 August 2002
Now that Henry Kissinger and Christopher Hitchens are both, at matching levels of pomposity and self-satisfaction, agreed on the desirability of sending in the bombers and finishing off Saddam, I suppose the Bush regime will conclude that...
09 August 2002
A minority tendency of the black middle class has defected to the Republican Far Right, for purposes of career advancement and economic gain. These "race traitors" have become active opponents of the black community's interests.
08 August 2002
For over one hundred years, the African-American middle class has largely supported what I call "liberal integrationism," the organized attempt to assimilate into the U.S. mainstream to achieve a "color blind" society.

08 August 2002
The contemporary black reparations movement, the demand for compensation to African Americans due to centuries of unpaid labor exploitation under slavery, segregation, and ghettoization, has grown remarkably in recent years. On November 7...
24 July 2002
When did the great executive stock option hog wallow really start? You can go back to the deregulatory push under Carter in the late Seventies, then move into the Reagan Eighties, when corporate purchases of shares really took...


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