
20 June 2004
While the major media screams about the latest beheading in the Middle East, John Ashcroft's destruction of a man in the middle west -- likely for political purposes -- has gone unnoticed.  

The ghastly court appearance...
19 June 2004
The U.S. Senate will vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment on July 15.

The "pro-family" (read: homophobic) American Family Association (AFA) is planning a national anti-gay marriage Senate call-in day on July 12. It's...

16 June 2004
The mainstream media spent an entire week mythologizing Ronald Wilson Reagan. Why did the corporate for-profit media spend so much time creating a cult of personality around a former President with an estimated 105 IQ? Because the actual...
16 June 2004
The U.S. House of Representatives will soon have the chance to protect our national forests with two upcoming forests votes.

One vote will protect Alaska's Tongass Rainforest and stop fiscally irresponsible spending by...
10 June 2004
Nixon thought Reagan was "strange" and, so he told the secret tape recorder in the Oval Office in 1972, "just an uncomfortable man to be around." The late president certainly was a very weird human being, not at all like the fellow being...
10 June 2004
No greater nonsense will accompany Ronald Reagan to his grave than the idea that he brought down the Soviet Union and ended the Cold War.

Among the many causes of Soviet collapse two words stand out, and they aren't Ronald...


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