
14 July 2004
They've finally done it. For the past three and a half years, I've been writing to you about the Bush administration's efforts to undermine the Roadless Area Conservation Rule that protects 58.5 million acres of America's wild forests. But...
11 July 2004
On April 25th, 1,150,000 women, children and men marched on Washington, D.C. to voice Ooposition to government attacks on women’s reproductive rights and health. Official crowd count was the largest ever for a women’s rights rally in the...
11 July 2004
To speak honestly and openly about Palestine/Israel, one must recognize that the Israeli military occupation continues a legacy that began in 1947 with the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to make room for the State of Israel. The violence...
11 July 2004
The Citizens Alliance for Secure Elections (CASE) rally, held Saturday, April 17, was another battle in the war against voting machines that lack voter verification. The rally was one event among many which culminated in an ultimate...
11 July 2004
Communications Workers of America took a stand against SBC Communications, Friday, April 30.

The gathering began outside the SBC shareholders meeting that was being held at the Hyatt on Capital. The CWA was protesting...


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