
15 September 2016

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has been given much deserved credit for protesting racism by sitting out the Star Spangled Banner, which not only glorifies war (which everyone,...

14 September 2016

Members of the Ohio Community Rights Network gathered outside the Ohio Statehouse on September 12 to demand the right to ban fracking wastewater injection wells and shale natural gas...

11 August 2016

The demise of the antiwar movement has been greatly exaggerated. Working on planning a...

Bernie delegates holding up Election Fraud sign at DNC
05 August 2016

Why would the Ohio Green Party Co-Chair end up addressing Bernie Sanders delegates in Philly during the Democratic Party convention? I found myself with them in a pizza place in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania at the behest of...

31 July 2016



A Statement from Advancement Project


WASHINGTON – In a landmark ruling issued today, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned North...

03 July 2016

>>>>italics: This is urgent if you care about limiting efforts to not
limit GMO labeling, a vital consumer protection issue. Write your 2
Senators as soon as you have read this....



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