
20 January 2017
Here I am in occupied DC. The White House looks like a Green Zone. There was a time when you could walk up to it. Caravans of police cars and black SUVs zoom by with sirens blaring and everyone else forced aside. Do people look outraged?...
06 January 2017
Letter to Investigators Individual copies of this letter were sent to:  Hon. Loretta Lynch, Attorney General Hon. Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Homeland Security Hon. James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence Hon. John...
29 December 2016

From all around the globe, nearly 50,000 people have signed this statement:

I understand that wars and militarism make us less safe rather than protect us, that they kill, injure and traumatize adults, children and...

25 December 2016

World Beyond War, with your help, is expanding our staff, our organizing, and our activism. As we start the new year, I'll be staying on as director and we'll be adding a fulltime organizer and a part-time education coordinator (both...

01 December 2016

The national religion of the United States of America is nationalism. Its god is the flag. Its prayer is the pledge of allegiance.

The flag's powers include those of life and death, powers formerly possessed by...

22 November 2016

Against a Trump regime that is totally unacceptable, we’ll need resistance that’s sustainable. Like a healthy forest, the resistance will depend on great diversity to thrive -- a wide range of people engaging in a vast array of...


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