
22 February 2002
Thomas Friedman has achieved another media triumph with the debut of "Tom's Journal" on the "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer." The feature will be a "one-on-one debriefing of Friedman by Lehrer or one of the program's senior correspondents,"...
20 February 2002
AUSTIN, Texas -- One rarely sees a thoroughly bad idea advanced by government. Lots of stuff from silly to smelly gets done, but somebody usually benefits, even if it's not the American people. But can anyone see an upside to having an...
20 February 2002
AUSTIN, Texas -- In response to President George W. Bush's call to all Americans to give service to our country, some are enlisting in the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, Senior Corps or the armed services. Others have begun putting in their...
18 February 2002

Cincinnati City Council

Seven members of the Cincinnati City Council voted in December for a death penalty moratorium resolution. While symbolic, the resolution in nonetheless significant...
15 February 2002
When a large company is getting clobbered by news stories and pundits, the damage-control response often includes packing full-page newspaper ads with solemn reassurances. That's what the Arthur Andersen accounting firm has been doing...
14 February 2002
AUSTIN, Texas -- As I write, the most riveting television drama imaginable is being played out on C-Span, of all places.

The U.S. House of Representatives is debating campaign finance reform, and it's one of...


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