
15 April 2002
AUSTIN, Texas -- Across the length and breadth of this great land of ours, from the mountain to the prairie, from every hill and dale comes the question, "Where are the Democrats?"

They're among the missing,...
15 April 2002
A triumphant story about National Public Radio appeared in late March on the front page of Current, the main newspaper of the public-broadcasting industry. "NPR Lands Most Listeners Ever," the headline announced, over a summary of the...
10 April 2002
Michael Moore

The ex-editor of the Flint Voice – the equivalent of the Free Press in Flint, Michigan without the glamour – is at it again. We’re sure that Mike, a good blue collar democrat, chose the Rolling Stones over...
09 April 2002
AUSTIN, Texas -- Well, things do seem to be going to hell, don't they? The beauty of having fled to Mexico for a week to escape the endless blat of television news is that it leaves you with enough energy to tackle the subject of the...
05 April 2002
In times of crisis, many policymakers and journalists pay special attention to the editorializing from America's most influential papers. The spin of news coverage and the mix of individual opinion pieces usually indicate the outlooks...
04 April 2002
AUSTIN, Texas -- The evidence just keeps stacking up that this administration intends to turn the entire country into a giant Texas. The hallmarks of Bush's governorship are everywhere, being reenacted on a grander scale in Washington,...


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