08 June 2009
Hopeful but not audacious enough!

This seems to sum up US President Barack Obama’s much vaunted speech to the Muslim world.

Comments and analysis from the Arab street as reflected on the screens of al-Jazeera, CNN...
01 June 2009
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Burma's military regime wants the world's most famous political prisoner, Aung San Suu Kyi, to confess why she allegedly broke the law to shelter an American Mormon who "had a vision," sneaked into her mildewing villa...
20 May 2009
“Gaza is not on the Pope’s itinerary, nor will it be. There will be no change in these plans. But I’ll say it very clearly, the Pope is absolutely not going to Gaza.”

Such were the astounding comments made by the Pope’s...
11 May 2009
NEW DELHI - An epidemic of farmers' suicides has spread across four Indian states - Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Punjab - over the last decade. According to official data, more than 160,000 farmers have committed suicide in...
10 May 2009
BANGKOK, Thailand -- The International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, Netherlands, expects U.S. President Barack Obama to allow it to put Americans on trial, but not prosecute former President George W. Bush or his officials for...
08 May 2009
From a distance, the struggle between Hamas and Fatah appears commonplace, a typical third world country’s political scuffle over interpretation of democracy that went out of control, or simply a ‘power struggle’ between two political...


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