02 June 2020

The war on Vietnam plays an infinitely larger role in history in the common understanding of a typical U.S. citizen than does what the U.S. government did to Indonesia in 1965-1966. But if you read The Jakarta Method, the new...

26 May 2020

BANGKOK, Thailand -- An uncontrolled virus killed at least 543 horses
and many are being buried in mass graves, amid suspicion that imported
zebras brought the disease which is ravaging Thailand's international...

30 April 2020

BANGKOK, Thailand -- More Americans have died from COVID-19 than were
killed during 16 years of the Vietnam War, a grim milestone coinciding
with Hanoi officially reporting zero deaths from the coronavirus.

16 April 2020

BANGKOK, Thailand -- A vicious, hilarious, political war has erupted
on the Internet between Thailand's satirical dissidents and China's
outraged nationalists, prompting the Chinese embassy in Bangkok to

13 April 2020

BANGKOK, Thailand -- For the first time in Thailand, a rapidly
spreading "cruel" and "devastating" virus has killed least 186 horses
by attacking the animals' lungs, causing fever and death within hours.


27 March 2020

BANGKOK, Thailand -- A brawl over COVID-19 has erupted between the
American and Chinese embassies after President Trump's newly appointed
ambassador blamed China for spreading a "vicious and dangerous


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