01 April 2006
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Despite an opposition boycott of Sunday's (April 2) nationwide poll, Thailand's billionaire prime minister expects to be re-elected but then suffer insults, allegations and condemnation by thousands of protesters...
27 March 2006
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Unable to topple Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra after weeks of street protests, opponents are venting their fury by portraying him as Adolf Hitler, sparking a denouncement by Israel's embassy.

19 March 2006


The U.S. government is one of the biggest opponents of democracy in the world.

Take El Salvador for example – a tiny nation in Central America with only about 5 million people. Our government used...
19 March 2006
Several months ago during a casual conversation, I was described by someone as being a radical. When he first said it I didn't know whether I should laugh or be offended.

It never quite dawned on me until then that my...
17 March 2006
THE AMERICAN PRISON CAMP at Guantanamo Bay is on the southeast corner! of Cuba, a sliver of land the United States has occupied since 1903. Long ago, it was irrigated from lakes on the other side of the island, but Cuban President Fidel...
15 March 2006
Coverage and analysis of the recent Hamas victory in the Palestinian parliamentary elections has been prolific. Most coverage, however, fails to look at this event in a broad historical context, as one of many features of the political...


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