18 March 2003
As the Senate and House both move to begin considering the Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2004, both chambers have been talking openly about including revenues from potential lease sales in the coastal plain of the Arctic National...
17 March 2003
At the end of last month, the Bush Administration failed yet another test of responsible management on America's public lands, signing off on a forest plan revision that fails to protect Alaska's magnificent Tongass National Forest. The...
17 March 2003
The Alaska Wilderness League last week applauded a bipartisan coalition of Senators for introducing legislation to permanently protect the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The legislation, which seeks to designate...
17 March 2003
This is long, so if you want to see exactly what the report says instead of looking at we say about it, the report is also available directly from the National Research Council as follows:

Press Release:...
17 March 2003
The American people have been denied additional time to voice their opinion about the management of their public lands. A recent decision by the administration rejects a request to extend the public comment period for the draft oil...
14 March 2003
On February 12th, 140 of this nation's largest businesses in cooperation with the Bush Administration announced pledges to voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 4% in the next four years. Considering that the Environmental...


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