02 December 2003
The Headworks would collect and should pre-treat incoming sewage for Southerly. The Central Ohio Sierra Club has testified and written to OEPA that it is premature to proceed at this time without first having a permit issued for the...
18 October 2003
October 18, 1972, thirty one years ago, it all seemed so easy, when Congress passed the Clean Water Act and Senator Muskie stated on the Senate floor: "This Act simply means, that we can not use our rivers any longer to treat our sewage...
20 September 2003
Located in the rolling hills of rural Belmont County, Dysart Woods is the largest remnant of the ancient forests that once covered 95% of Ohio. To walk through Dysart woods is truly a moving experience, one is immediately awe struck by the...
05 June 2003
"Though people lack not wealth, they cannot afford to breathe clean air. Rain and streams cleanse not, but remain inert and powerless liquids. Human beings and countless beings that inhabit water and land reel under the yoke of physical...
30 May 2003
The Green Party of Ohio is proud to announce the Making Democracy REAL! campaign, a major statewide, 18-month effort to get the people of Ohio involved in the democratic process. Part of the freedom in the democratic process is for people...
30 May 2003
The Green Party is looking for progressives to run for elected office.

Across the US a 177 Green office holders in 24 states are hard at work. They are creating public policy on important issues including civil rights, a...


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