
29 May 2012
Anti-choice Representatives will soon vote on the "Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act" (H.R. 3541). This dangerous bill would deny women of color access to reproductive care and force providers to racially profile patients, or else possibly...
25 May 2012
Last night Ohio’s State Assembly passed Senate Bill 315, what will one of the worst fracking laws in the nation.
The bill heading to Gov. Kasich’s desk fails to reinvest in Ohio communities, fails to adequately protect them from the...
16 May 2012
Statement of No Frack Ohio
On May 14, Governor Kasich’s energy bill, which will benefit the oil and gas industry at the expense of consumers and their vital resources, was approved by the Ohio State Senate. Members of No Frack...
10 May 2012
We can put an end to a shocking assault on our civil liberties: Last year's National Defense Authorization Act included language that could allow the military to detain civilian suspects INDEFINITELY without charge or trial. This year's...
03 May 2012
For millions of middle and working class families, a college education is the key to success and opportunity.
But it can be an expensive key. Many students are forced to take out thousands of dollars in loans to pursue their degree...
22 April 2012
The first generation of biotech crops has failed. And failed badly. In the last year alone, new studies have shown that Monsanto’s genetically-engineered Bt insecticide corn has not only created a new breed superbugs tolerant of the plant’...


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