
08 November 2012
With Congress expected to vote on the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) extension during the “lame duck” session following the elections, now is the time for our industry and our allies to emphasize to our elected officials that...
05 November 2012
The Columbus Free Press is joining with Video the Vote, the Ohio Green Party and dozens of citizen activists around Ohio and the nation to defend voting rights on Election Day 2012.
We have established an operations center in...
31 October 2012
Here are some things anyone can do on Election Day:
Document any of these things and let the Free Press know during the day or immediately after the polls close:
1) Do all machines work at the beginning of the day? Were there...
11 October 2012
Ohio is becoming the dumping ground for toxic out-of-state fracking wastewater. Meanwhile, there are mounting concerns about the Class II injection wells that are taking this waste.

Call or email the following officials to...
05 October 2012
Election Protection Observers
The Free Press ( in conjunction with the Green Party will be placing observers for the 2012 election. We need volunteers. All observers must be eligible voters in Ohio.


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