This past spring anti-choice representatives in the Ohio House introduced a bill that would completely outlaw abortion in Ohio without exception: not to save a woman's life, not for victims of rape or incest.  It would even put someone in jail for 15 years for driving a woman to another state to get an abortion.  When he introduced the bill, Rep. Brinkman announced that his plan was to get the bill passed and then take it to the Supreme Court and use it to overturn Roe.  Initially this looked like a far-fetched dream, but now with the dual vacancy on the Court, and John Roberts as the nominee for Chief Justice this dream may quickly turn into a reality and a nightmare for women in Ohio.

Pro-choice Ohioans need to stand up now and say NO.  We can't let this attack on Roe  come from our home state!  Please help us keep Brinkman's dreams in his imagination.  Protect the right to choose in your community.  Check out the NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio website for ways to get involved.  Our community calendar lists our events going on throughout the state in the coming months. 

We need you now more than ever to do everything you can to make sure the above headline does not become a reality.  Remember when you were told to just ignore something and it will go away?  Well, right now if we ignore our right to choose, we are likely to soon watch it go away right here in Ohio, and across our county.  Please get involved today and help us protect this critical right.

Yours in Choice, Jaime Miracle Outreach and Field Director