Aerial gunners have killed over 600 wolves in Alaska since 2003, and now Governor Sarah Palin wants to offer $150 bounties to encourage hunters to kill more wolves. Even worse, Idaho and Wyoming have proposed aerial gunning programs of their own, meaning that soon the wolves of Yellowstone could be gunned down from airplanes if they leave the safety of the park. Congress needs to act - urge your representative to co-sponsor new legislation to end aerial gunning now!
Under Alaska's cruel aerial gunning policy, marksmen can shoot wolves from the air or use airplanes to chase them in deep snow to the point of exhaustion then land and execute them at point blank range. It's time to end this brutal practice. Representative George Miller (D-CA) will be introducing legislation in September to do just that - his bill would close a loophole in the Federal Airborne Hunting Act to prohibit aerial gunning. Click here to send a message to your representative and ask them to co-sponsor Rep. Miller's bill to end aerial gunning
Under Alaska's cruel aerial gunning policy, marksmen can shoot wolves from the air or use airplanes to chase them in deep snow to the point of exhaustion then land and execute them at point blank range. It's time to end this brutal practice. Representative George Miller (D-CA) will be introducing legislation in September to do just that - his bill would close a loophole in the Federal Airborne Hunting Act to prohibit aerial gunning. Click here to send a message to your representative and ask them to co-sponsor Rep. Miller's bill to end aerial gunning