On Sunday, March 9th, it's Spring Forward for daylight savings, time to move our clocks forward one hour (2am becomes 3am). Spring begins officially with the Vernal Equinox on March 20th at 12:57PM Eastern Time. Spring Fever isn't a myth or a disease, it encompasses psychological and physiological changes. Our bodies respond to the change in seasons and availability of sunlight. Our circadian rhythms are directly affected by bright light, especially in women. Internal timekeeping runs faster in some women, thus making them more affected by available sunlight. The rapid changes in the amount of sunlight from Vernal Equinox to the Summer Solstice, creates Spring Fever in most of us. Many of us experiencing winter blues (especially with this harsh one) are just itching for it to be over. We want sunshine, longer days, warmth, and to get out of the house more often for longer periods of time. We get so excited from seeing grass, buds on plants and trees. Experiencing bare flesh again is also quite titillating. This excitement creates a release of endorphins. The effect of being able to exercise can also alleviate symptoms of depression, which can include those affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). The body's reserves of serotonin (the “happiness hormone”) are depleted during the winter as it's production depends on sunlight. With more sunlight, our bodies' hormones levels are adjusting. More endorphins, testosterone and estrogen are released. Some respond to this rapid change with feelings of tiredness. The rise in temperatures also affects our blood pressure, dropping it while blood vessels expand. Humans produce Vitamin D in response to exposure to sunlight. When we are deficient in it, one can have symptoms of depression. Increased production of it relates to improved mental energy and higher hormone levels . Spring also sees a change in melatonin for most. It increases when the body is not as exposed to sunlight. Michael Freitag writes, “the increasing intensity and the longevity of sunlight in spring is somehow measured by the brain, probably through the eyes. This information is then transmitted to the pineal gland in the base of the cerebrum, which responds by reducing its secretion of melatonin, a hormone that influences sleep and energy levels and mood.” Less melatonin lifts the mood, reduces the desire to sleep and increases libido. All of this can create Spring Fever symptoms such as an increase of vitality, energy, restlessness, daydreaming and particularly a higher sexual drive (libido). I recommend anyone wanting to maximize their reaction to Spring Fever to keep their bedroom shades open and wake as early as possible. Those with symptoms of SAD usually have a greater reaction, swinging up high from the lows felt during Winter. However, in about one of 10 affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) experience Reverse SAD. Depression instead returns in the spring or summer. Common symptoms include: insomnia, irritability, restlessness, poor appetite, weight loss and decreased sex drive. Cooler climates provide comfort. Negative springtime physiological changes can also be related to allergies. Cytokines, chemical messengers of the immune system and inflammation, are flared up with allergy attacks. With spring comes a rush of pollen, and can create increased sleeping, decreased appetite, reduced sex drive and withdrawal – or similar symptoms to depression. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression during the spring, don't' despair, it may be a physiological reaction to pollen and sunlight. There may be comfort in this fact, but don't let it stop you from reaching out for help. ( And, don't forget to apply your sunscreen! :) If you have a question or a topic you would like to have covered in this column, please go to: http://ladymonstersex.info and click on the link for the Google form. Or, call (614) 636-0936 and leave a message in my Google Voice Mail Box. Both options are 100% anonymous. Thank you.