Hello to all

I am Dr. Lora Chamberlain in Chicago of the Illinois Progressive Democrats. I am helping the League of Pissed Off Voters, CASE and other citizens groups in Ohio with their public hearings about election fraud and a rally for a full criminal investigation into any and all election fraud during this past election on Nov.2nd.

Reach Out, a citizen action group in Ohio is sponsoring the rally on Sat. 11/13th at the Capitol Square in downtown Columbus, OH,  180 E. Broadway, beginning at 10:30am and going until 12:30pm, then they will march to the public hearings that will begin at 1pm and go until 4pm at the New Faith Baptist Church, 955 Oak St., on the near east side of Columbus, OH. Additional public hearings will occur on Mon, 11/15, 6-9pm at the Franklin County Courthouse, room A, 373 S. High St in downtown Columbus. All interested citizens are encouraged to attend. This rally and the hearings will be posted at www.indyvoter.org in the calendar and at www.michiganIMC.org .

We are calling for a full investigation into any and all election fraud and full prosecution of any felonies that are discovered. We all agree that we have a ZERO TOLERANCE FOR ANY ELECTION TAMPERING IN ALL OF THE STATES OF THE UNION! We are calling for full investigations in Ohio and Florida first and then to other states as the evidence warrants! We think there is already enough evidence to call for the FBI to become involved in Florida and Ohio! Rep. John Conyers has called for a GAO audit of this election but that is for correcting the system for future elections and is NOT good enough for us at this time. We understand that there are many ballots yet to be counted in Ohio, which will happen this weekend but the outcome of this election, although interesting, is not the final result that we are concerned with. We want any and all election fraud that occurred during this past election to be investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law!Please go to http://www.petitiononline.com/uselect/petition.html to sign a petition calling for a criminal investigation and then go that extra step and pick up the phone and start calling all the Democrats in Congress to ask for the same thing; the FBI to be called in and a full criminal investigation of all of the election fraud occuring during this election , you can use the 1-800-839-5276 number to the congressional operator. It is going to take the efforts of each and everyone of us to move this country away from accepting this lawlessness and fraud! If you can help with donations, please do so at www.blackboxvoting.org or www.helpamericarecount.org .

     Thank you and in solidarity for regaining our Democracy,
     Dr. Lora Chamberlain, a concerned American citizen.