To the Editor:

As voters in this Great State of Ohio, we demand the following of each and every newspaper in this state:

1. Inform the readers in a non-partisan nature of allegations of voter fraud.

2. Inform the readers in a non-partisan nature of lawsuits filed by each political party, the reason for those suits, and the outcome of those suits.

3. Inform the readers in a non-partisan nature of the reported number of questionable registrants.

4. Inform the readers in a non-partisan nature of how the Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner is intending to resolve those issues of voter fraud and questionable registrants before the election.

5. In light of the recent Supreme Court decision defending Secretary of State Jennifer Bunner’s decision NOT to turn over state databases to county election boards in order to validate registrants, we demand in a non-partisan nature that you report HOW these 88 counties intend to properly determine the validity of each registrant.

6. Inform the readers in a bi-partisan nature the number of voters registered by ACORN, and the manner in which ACORN is acquiring those registrants.