We, the undersigned, were selected by Ralph Nader to be members of his 113-person national "Nader 2000 Citizens Committee." This year, we urge support for Kerry/Edwards in all "swing states," even while we strongly disagree with Kerry's policies on Iraq and other issues. For people seeking progressive social change in the United States, removing George W. Bush from office should be the top priority in the 2004 presidential election. Progressive votes for John Kerry in swing states may prove decisive in attaining this vital goal. (For updated list of signers, see http://vote2stopbush.com/)

* David Barsamian, Author, Radio Interviewer
* Juliette Beck, California Citizens for Fair Trade
* Herbert Bernstein, Professor of Physics at Hampshire College
* Thomas Berry, Author, Dream of the Earth
* Wendell Berry, Farmer and Writer
* Norman Birnbaum, Author and Educator
* Grace Lee Boggs, Detroit Activist and Writer
* Blase Bonpane, Office of the Americas
* Theresa Bonpane, Office of the Americas
* Eric Brakken, Former Staffer, United Students Against Sweatshops
* Ira Byock, Palliative Care Physician, Author of Dying Well
* Edgar Cahn, Founder of Time Banking
* John Cavanagh, Director of Institute for Policy Studies
* Noam Chomsky, Author and Professor at MIT
* Steve Cobble, Strategist, Jackson '88, Nader '00, Kucinich '04
* Ben Cohen, Co-founder of Ben & Jerry's
* Peter Coyote, Actor and Writer
* Ronnie Cummins, Director of Organic Consumers Association
* Herman Daly, Professor at University of Maryland
* Iris DeMent, Musician/Songwriter
* Phil Donahue, Former Talk Show Host * Mark Dowie, Journalist, Former Editor/Publisher of Mother Jones
* Barbara Dudley, Former President, Greenpeace and National
* Ronnie Dugger, Co-founder of Alliance for Democracy
* Troy Duster, Professor at New York University
* Barbara Ehrenreich, Political Essayist and Social Critic
* Richard Falk, Center of International Studies, Princeton University
* Jim Goodman, Organic Dairy Farmer
* Rebecca Goodman, Organic Dairy Farmer
* Doris (Granny D) Haddock, Senate Candidate, Reform Activist
* Paul Hawken, Author, Economist
* Randy Hayes, Founder, Rainforest Action Network and Director of Sustainability, City of Oakland
* Jim Hightower, Author and Commentator
* Wes Jackson, The Land Institute
* David Kairys, Law Professor at Temple University and Author
* Ynestra King, Ecofeminist Writer/Activist
* John Kinsman, Family Farm Defenders
* Philip M. Klasky, Co-director, Bay Area Nuclear Waste Coalition
* David Korten, Author of When Corporations Rule the World
* Frances Korten, Director of Positive Futures Network
* Saul Landau, California State Polytechnic University
* Rabbi Michael Lerner, The Tikkun Community
* Theodore Lowi, Political Scientist, Author
* Howard Lyman, Former Rancher, Vegetarian Activist
* Joanna Macy, Author and Scholar
* Jerry Mander, President of International Forum on Globalization
* Manning Marable, Institute for Research in African American Studies, Columbia
* Redwood Mary, Plight of the Redwoods Campaign
* Robert McChesney, Professor, University of Illinois
* Carolyn Merchant, Professor of Environmental History, University of California-Berkeley
* Peter Montague, Environmental Research Foundation
* Gus Newport, Former Mayor of Berkeley, California
* Ruth Ozeki, Novelist
* Frances Fox Piven, City University of New York
* Bonnie Raitt, Guitarist/Singer/Songwriter
* Sheldon Rampton, Co-author of Banana Republicans
* Marcus Raskin, Author
* Tim Robbins
* Vicki Robin, New Road Map Foundation
* Susan Sarandon, Actor and Activist
* John Schaeffer, Founder of Real Goods Trading Company
* Michelle Shocked, Musician
* John Stauber, Co-author of Banana Republicans
* Andrew Strauss, Professor at Widener University School of Law
* Charlotte Talberth, Max and Anna Levinson Foundation
* Meredith Tax, Writer and Human Rights Activist
* Studs Terkel, Author, Oral Historian
* Tom Tomorrow, Cartoonist
* Sarah van Gelder, Editor of YES! Magazine
* Eddie Vedder, Musician, Pearl Jam
* Harvey Wasserman, Author of Harvey Wasserman's History of the US
* Cornel West, Professor, Author of Democracy Matters
* Sheldon Wolin, Professor Emeritus, Princeton University
* Howard Zinn, Historian and Author

Other prominent Nader 2000 supporters endorsing this statement:

* Medea Benjamin, Code Pink
* Jackson Browne
* Jerry Greenfield, Ben & Jerry's Co-founder
* Bob Harris, Author
* Norman Solomon, Columnist

Signers endorse this statement as individuals, not as representatives of any group. A frequently updated list of swing states is posted at www.swing04.com.