Today in Albany, NY and Columbus, OH, human rights groups and activists filed formal complaints with state boards which regulate psychologists, against Major John Leso (NY) and ret. Col. Larry James, currently dean of the School of Psychology at Wright State University in Dayton. Two of the four complainants in the Ohio case are NWOPC members: Josie Setzler and Trudy Bond. I have the privilege of co-counseling with the International Human Rights Program at Harvard Law School; some of you met Deborah Popowski from Harvard when she was out here last January.

We seek to have Ohio's Board of Psychology open a full-scale investigation into Dr. James' involvement in torture oversight, management, planning, and calibration while at Gitmo on two different stints. We are demanding that Dr. James' psychologist license be revoked based upon what we believe are not only felony crimes but extremely serious perversions of the healing art of psychology.

I invite you to read both of the complaints. They are heavily researched and meticulously footnoted. The Pentagon has been up to a lot more than is generally understood by way of torture.

A third complaint is pending at the psychology licensing board in Texas against James Mitchell, a psychologist credited with developing US torture techniques out of a military prisoner survival program he has made thousands of dollars from, teaching US troops how to overcome torture if captured.

Leso (NY) and James (OH) complaints, here: Leso complaint and James Complaint