The majority of the organizers for the October 2011 occupation of Freedom Plaza are women. And women seem to have played a leading role in opposing our nation's militarism by way of--among other means--Code Pink, an organization named in defiance of post-9/11 color-coded terrorism threat levels.
Some of us might associate feminism with an emphasis on cooperation, instead of competition. That way of looking at things may be instrumental for creating alternative economic systems so as to end corporate rule and capitalism as we know it. Valuing cooperation more than competition may also be important for otherwise solving our social and environmental problems.
The people's movement assemblies in Freedom Plaza and McPherson Square in D.C. seemed to manifest a spirit of cooperation to the point of sending an inspiring chill up the spine. Women played a leading role in the assemblies at the plaza and the square--or they at least were equals. At Occupy Wall Street there were issues with male domination but it was soon addressed.
Not to delve in comparative pain or dreams of a feminist utopia, but sexism seems one of the most prevalent forms of injustice and oppression if we think about it globally.
As many of us may know, the UN, human rights and environmental groups have said raising the status of females equal to that of males is key for addressing poverty and environmental degradation. These issues connect with the occupations that are going on.