Freep Heroes – Kevin Phillips and Paul O’Neill

American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune And The Politics Of Deceit In The House Of Bush by Phillips and The Price of Loyalty by O’Neill verify and document in detail everything the Free Press has been telling you about the Bush family since the first Gulf War. When those with well-established Republican credentials come forward to blow the whistle on the true “Axis of Evil” – Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush and George W. Bush – the Freep sees their actions as heroic. Even more heroic and necessary would be George W.’s impeachment for war crimes and lying to the American people to make his big oil buddies rich.

The Free Press Salutes

Staughton and Alice Lynd

This couple from Niles, Ohio are saluted for their efforts to uncover what really happened during the Lucasville prison uprising of April 1993. Staughton’s new book, which is excerpted in this issue of the Free Press, painstaking reveals the horror at the heart of Ohio’s prison industrial complex. The couple’s long commitment to social justice is an inspiration to us all.

Enemies of the People

Ann Coulter

It’s hard to imagine why the New York Times best-selling list references Right-wing liar extraordinaire Ann Coulter as a nonfiction writer when she’s written more fiction than George W.’s speechwriters. In a recent column, Coulter claims that Senator Max Cleland “lost three limbs in an accident during a routine non-combat mission where he was about to drink beer with friends.” Coulter’s point is to compare the highly-decorated Cleland with the AWOL George W. Bush. The official record shows that during the seize of Khe Sanh, Cleland reached down to pick up a grenade and it exploded ripping off both legs and his right hand. Cleland’s loss of a hand is worth more militarily than an AWOL Bush.

John Ashcroft

Even the AP referred to Attorney General Ashcroft’s recent actions as coming from the “McCarthy era” when he issued subpoenas to anti-war activists who had attended a Drake University peace conference. Ashcroft’s first major attempt to overtly reinstate COINTELPRO, the illegal domestic spying program from the 60s and 70s is well under way. In May 2002, Ashcroft announced the elimination of a 26-year-old ban that prevented the FBI from monitoring “open to the public” peaceful meetings held by domestic political, religious and civic organizations. Joe Stalin would be proud.

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