How are our votes being stolen?
Let us count the ways…
Electoral Proctology
As the fateful June 7 primary election day approached in 6 states, including California, a stellar group of election protection luminaries gathered on Memorial Day weekend in a private home in Santa Monica with about 100 of their closest friends. Their purpose, as that great American philosopher W.C. Fields once advised, was ‘to seize the bull by the tail and stare the situation squarely in the face.’
Not a Pretty Picture
Chaired by celebrated actor and long-time political activist Mimi Kennedy, a panel including Harvey Wasserman, Bob Fitrakis, Greg Palast, Bev Harris and John Blakey compared notes on the myriad methods their investigations have uncovered by which the validity of U.S. elections is being destroyed, and the daunting task of attempting to restore election integrity in America’s very broken electoral system.
Strip & Flip
The theme was set by a hot-off-the-press book just published by Fitrakis and Wasserman titled ‘The Strip & Flip Selection of 2016: The Five Jim Crows & Electronic Election Theft.’ Buy it here:
Stay Tuned
This is the first of several video segments from this important event, detailing what's wrong with our election system, what we can do about it, and how you can get involved in 'Nixing the Fix' in 2016 and beyond.
And check out:
Stealing California
By Greg Palast, Greg Palast's Website
For more info: