Universal Purifying Technology is obtaining a permit from the Ohio EPA to install a tire pyrolysis operation.  The comment period is still open, until November 28th.  There is little doubt that they will grant the permit even though over a dozen south Columbus citizens testified against it at the public hearing on November 6, and they have no lease arrangement with the City that own the facility.  The mayor of Grove City said that this should be of concern to all the people in Franklin County.  The city council of Grove City has passed a resolution condemning the plan.

Ohio Citizen Action and Teresa Mills have formed residents in the area into a weekly meeting group that adopted the name, SouthWest Neighbors Protecting Our Environment.  Their plan is to apply pressure on SWACO and the Columbus City Council to prevent UPT from using the facility.  I have never seen this much outrage from a citizen group on environmental issues before.  They are tired of being dumped on, and are determined to make their voices heard.

Contact Information:

Ohio Citizen Action:
(614) 263-4111