Central Ohio Workers Celebrate May Day to Tell Columbus:

#OhioNeedsARaise, Announce Formation of

Central Ohio Worker Center




What: #OhioNeedsARaise – May Day Celebration

When: Thursday May 1,2014

4:30pm -  Rally and March through downtown Columbus, Ohio

Where: Corner of State and High Streets - SW side of the Capitol Building

Who: Workers will be speaking on their struggle to survive and support themselves and their families on low wages.   



May 1st, known as “May Day”, is International Workers’ Day.  Across the country and all over the world, May 1st is a celebration honoring workers everywhere.  Central Ohio Workers will gather to celebrate the collective strength of Ohio workers and say with a united voice that “Ohio Needs A Raise”!   With Ohio’s minimum wage currently under $8/hour, this community coalition is calling for a raise for Ohio’s working families.  “I work 40 hours per week or more  and I know I need to work, but it is not enough to support my family and survive", says Columbus area janitor Sherri Copper.



Central Ohio Workers will also announce the formation of the Central Ohio Worker Center - Centro de Trabajadores de Central Ohio in Columbus. In the past year, conversation and planning for the formation of a community-based Worker Center in Columbus is underway to support, advocate, and empower workers in Central Ohio.  



Worker Centers are nonprofit organizations that organize and provide support to communities of low wage workers who are not already members of a union or have been excluded from by U.S. labor laws.



The need for empowerment of workers could never be greater and the Central Ohio Worker Center will be a vehicle for workers to learn their rights, address workplace injustices, and advocate for a better quality of life,” stated organizer, Ruben Castilla Herrera.


Central Ohio Workers is a coalition of community organizations, unions, people of faith, people of color, students, LGBTQ community, food justice, transportation justice, educators and others.


Central Ohio Immigrant Justice



Ohio Interfaith Immigration Coalition

Democratic Socialists of Central Ohio

Ohio Peace Network

Ohio Fair Food

Equality Ohio


SEIU Local 1

Ohio Education Association


Ohio Student Association

CWA Local 4501

Jobs With Justice

International Socialist Organization - Columbus

Fight for $15 - Columbus

Move to Amend - Central Ohio

Peoples Department of Transportation


More information visit Central Ohio Workers online at http://bit.ly/CentralOhioWorkers

More information on Central Ohio Workers - Centro de Trabajadores de Central Ohio at http://bit.ly/CentralOhioWorkerCenter