As the Third National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement rapidly approaches, members of the Accommodations Committee are currently trying to determine how many students and activists we can offer low-income housing options to during the weekend of the conference.

Guests will be staying anytime from Friday night until Sunday afternoon, and will require space to sleep and safely store belongings.  If you are in the Columbus area and are willing to provide housing it will certainly be much appreciated!

Please provide all of the following information to Rachel Machesky at :

1. Your name, phone number, and street address

2. Number of guests that you can accommodate

3. Dates your space is available

4. Forms of transportation available to and from the campus area (e.g.    if you will be able to provide transportation for your guests, or    if nearby and easily accessible bus routes are running)

5. What guests may need to bring in order to sleep at their assigned    housing (i.e. how may beds are available, if guests will need    sleeping bags, pillows, towels, etc.)