In a victory for the environment, the Senate voted
today to remove a provision from the 2004 budget bill
opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska
to oil drilling. An amendment to remove this oil drilling
provision, sponsored by Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA),
passed by a narrow vote of 52 to 48.
Thanks to more than 25,000 Environmental Defense activists who quickly responded to our urgent action alert since Monday with e-mails, faxes and phone calls to Congress, we helped turn the tide against oil company efforts to open this precious wilderness area to oil companies.
HOW DID YOUR SENATOR VOTE? (A "yea" vote is opposed to Arctic oil drilling. A "nay" vote supports Arctic oil drilling)
OIL DRILLING THREATS CONTINUE: Stripping oil-drilling provisions out of the Senate's 2004 budget bill is only a temporary victory for the Arctic, unfortunately. Oil companies and drilling supporters in Congress will continue their search for new legislative vehicles for opening the Arctic Refuge to oil drilling.
Environmental Defense will also continue its fight to protect the Arctic. Be sure you will hear from us again to enlist your support in getting the message out to Congress to continue to protect the Arctic and its unique wildlife from oil companies.
Thanks to more than 25,000 Environmental Defense activists who quickly responded to our urgent action alert since Monday with e-mails, faxes and phone calls to Congress, we helped turn the tide against oil company efforts to open this precious wilderness area to oil companies.
HOW DID YOUR SENATOR VOTE? (A "yea" vote is opposed to Arctic oil drilling. A "nay" vote supports Arctic oil drilling)
OIL DRILLING THREATS CONTINUE: Stripping oil-drilling provisions out of the Senate's 2004 budget bill is only a temporary victory for the Arctic, unfortunately. Oil companies and drilling supporters in Congress will continue their search for new legislative vehicles for opening the Arctic Refuge to oil drilling.
Environmental Defense will also continue its fight to protect the Arctic. Be sure you will hear from us again to enlist your support in getting the message out to Congress to continue to protect the Arctic and its unique wildlife from oil companies.