On January 22, the Ohio Student Association disrupted Ohio Senator Jerry Cirino’s press conference announcing SB 1, a regurgitated version of the widely unpopular SB 83. OSA members showed up loud and proud on day one at the...
A couple hundred people gathered at Goodale Park Saturay afternoon, January 18 for a rally and march to the Ohio Statehouse.
The organizers stated the message: "This...
In a bold yet peaceful demonstration of civic engagement, a group of determined Ohioans gathered Tuesday in the Rotunda of the Ohio Statehouse to take action against the proposed amendment to H.B. 315. This amendment, which incorporates...
For Gaza We Rise. Sunday, October 6, 2024, 3:00 PM. Commenorating 1 year of resistance. Sponsored by OSU Students for Justice in Palestine.
Watch video here.
Video by Scot Lacy,...
A national veterans’ organization today called for a grand jury to indict Department of State (DOS) Secretary Antony Blinken and the U.S. Ambassador to Israel for lying to Congress, violating the Export Control Act, the Genocide...